Experiential and Event Marketing Agency for Rights Holders
A cornerstone of Resonate Agency’s experiential marketing success comes in our ability to create and market experiences, secure corporate sponsorship, service corporate sponsors and manage event fulfillment on behalf of our rights holder clients. Accomplished in developing and marketing entire large-scale events, we ensure impeccable planning and execution of every aspect of an event or program. Furthermore, we collaborate with relevant businesses and nonprofits to align them as valuable and mutually beneficial partners for the programs we develop. As a result, we enhance event attendee experiences, attract larger event audiences, deliver prime opportunities for brand activation, ensure realization of sponsor benefits and provide exciting business solutions for both rights holders and sponsors.
As an experiential and event marketing agency in San Francisco, we produce and over-deliver on turnkey events and programs that consistently exceed a client’s event and sponsorship goals.
Our Process
We work with our rights holder clients both thoroughly and continuously, from the establishment of a vision through to the execution and completion of an event:
Event Development
- Build and execute a complete event with an all-encompassing strategy for location, logistics, ticketing, special services, unique programs, entertainment and all other fine-tuned coordination efforts
- Negotiate terms, details and conditions of an event with all necessary business and government entities
- Develop comprehensive sponsorship programs to attract relevant and valuable partners that will generate funding and audience appeal
Event Marketing
- Establish a comprehensive event marketing plan and execution details
- Deliver event and program advertising across all types of media
- Create compelling promotional activities
- Drive ticket sales and event attendance
- Connect with the community and community beneficiaries
- Institute a social media presence and optimize engagement
- Manage public relations and press coverage
Sponsorship Sales
- Set sponsorship goals and objectives
- Sell sponsorship opportunities to businesses that will enhance an event or program
Sponsorship Activation
- Create outlets for brand activation
- Provide brand and sponsor hospitality
- Coordinate all details of sponsor and partner participation
Results oriented and satisfaction driven, we aim to elevate expectations of experiential marketing for all stakeholders involved in a program. For more information on our process, see our client case study.